A small selection from the Home Studio

Lockdown Strut

…is an original composition by the talented John G Smith. This version is straight off my desk with minimal EQ and no other effects. This gives you an idea of the un-mixed sound.

Great playing from one and all…

Demo Track for

Steve Sidwell

This demo track (for a well known artist, who must remain nameless) was recorded Dec 2020.

It’s just the bare bones of kit, bass, piano and strings. Arrangement by Steve Sidwell.

Lovely playing from Trevor Barry (bass) and Pete Murray (piano)


The Outsider

This track was recorded in the home studio a while ago for the amazing guitarist Guthrie Govan. It was mixed by Paul Cartledge ‘PC’ (Yellow Boat Music). Hope you enjoy.


This classy David William Hearn arrangement was recorded in the home studio for an orchestral album project featuring various well known artists. This is the demo version (without the vocal) and mixed by David.

I’ve also just finished a sampling project for DWH. My drums and cymbals can be heard on his amazing StaffPad app. All recorded in the home studio.

Champagne and Strawberries

…is a swingy library track I recorded at home for Chris Egan.

‘Quirky brushes’ was the brief. Very catchy it is too.

Built To Last

This is a section from an Audio Network library music track which was recorded at home, mid 2020. BTL was part of a ‘Love Songs’ album project for top composers David Tobin and Jeff Meegan.

March of the Micmacs

This is another classy Chris Egan composition - it’s multi-tracking snare drum time. Four to be precise. I’m really pleased with the way this turned out.

More to follow …